Tuesday, November 15, 2011


As a father and grandfather when I saw this video it brought a tear to my eyes thinking how many times I put my arm around our kids and grandkids. More importantly it makes me think how our loving Heavenly Father and our Savior put their spiritual arms around us to lift us up ...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Every Leaf a Flower...

Permanently affixed to my easel is this wonderful quote by Albert Camus: "Autumn is the second spring where every leaf is a flower." It is the time of year that I am most anxious to visit with the myriad of colors that abound and the crisp air that chills our cheeks ~ it is truly the most beautiful time of year.
Last Saturday, inspite of my injuries of the previous week - fell of my bike fracturing my right wrist and left elbow (old men should stick to their rocking chairs) - we could not wait to venture into those changing colors so Christine and I did the short hike to Eagle Lake which rises above Lake Tahoe. After the hike we drove over to Highway 50 and crossed over on Highway 89 to 88 where we always enjoy the fall colors. I think we were a bit too late as many of the trees had already dropped their leaves; nevertheless, it was a wonderful day just to get away .... just Christine and I ... sharing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the shore of Eagle Lake. We walked, we laughed and we had a great time.
I read these two wonderful quotes today which capture how I feel:
"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."
George Eliot
"I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house. So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Another painting in the making....